Ads and offers
in Germany and Greece
Here you will find ads from the employment (job search, recruitment agencies), real estate (purchase, sale , rental) and automotive market (trade, purchase, sale) in Germany and Greece, as well as food, clothing, deals and coupons from our network members.
Labor market
Contacts for work, personnel and job search. Since the establishment of Ellindex is our network in contact with labor and employment agencies in Germany and Greece and recommends them further.
Companies have the possibility to publish advertisements for recruitment and possible vacancies. Privat persons are allowed to write their own text for the job search and send it to us.
Real estate market
The Ellindex network collaborates in Germany and Greece with some real estate agents and brokers offices. Contact these companies for the purchase, sale or rental of properties.
Furthermore, we offer you the opportunity to publish on our website an ad for the sale, purchase or rental of real estate, houses or apartments in Germany or vacation homes and holiday flats in Greece.
On our website we also provide car dealers in Germany and Greece in cooperation with auto transport companies. Are you interested in a new car, leasing, financing or used car?
Visit our network regularly and inquire about ads for new or used cars, trucks, commercial vehicles and construction machinery, as well as leasing, financing and car transport abroad or in Germany.
Deals and coupons
Companies of Ellindex network publish some deals and coupons for the page visitors of our platform. Find here some information about discounts and campaigns in addition to the ads in Germany and Greece.
Further products
We also provide products from our network members in the marketplace. For example food (olive oil, feta cheese, wine etc.) or clothing (aprons, shirts, t- shirts, sporting goods etc.). Subsequently the ads in Germany and Greece.